Master of Rogues the Seven Artfiacts
If you like Roguelike-Games, this Game is the right one for you!

Master of Rogues - The Seven Artifacts
a Dungeon-Crawler, Rougelike-RPG
Every Game is different, with randomized Levels, enemies, three different characters and over 130 unique Items to find. Game features:- - the main quest is to find the seven magic artifacts
- - generates every time you play an unique labyrinth full of items and monsters and quests
- - four different level layouts
- - masses of monsters and boss enemies
- - roundbased battle
- - magic spells
- - roguelike style game
- - permadeath or softmode chooseable in game options
- - three different character classes – the orc, the undead and the human
- - no app-in purchases
- - replaybility